Join us in our endeavors'!
If you are an Artist or Group of Artists or NGO or Trust and want to showcase your arts and crafts through and sell them, we will be pleased to get associated with you. For details, please contact us through below contact information:
If you are a seller with goods to sell, please join us on this journey since we can guarantee you the greatest market and association for your goods. To sell with us, please register and call us for more details.
Please provide your time to raise awareness by giving speeches, writing articles, and doing DIY workshops at events, in workplaces, and elsewhere.
Contact us if you'd like to work from home during the day and receive a one-time onboarding fee while also helping us create leads and onboard suppliers from all over that share our passion.
If you have influence, kindly join forces with us to advance the The New LEED project and create a brighter future.
Please help an environment and make your days and lives more environmentally friendly.
Our journey with different organizations are welcome especially
